A Prayer That’ll Move a Debtor to Pay Back Your Money

It can be frustrating when you are in need of money, but someone owing you hasn’t paid back after the deadline. Prayer moves mountains, and it will touch this debtor to pay back your money. You may be familiar with Jesus’ parable in Luke 18:1-8. Here, He tells us about a persistent widow who refused to give up on seeking justice from an unjust judge. Despite the judge’s initial refusal, the widow’s persistence eventually wore him down, and he granted her justice. Jesus uses this story to teach us about the importance of persistence in prayer, saying, “And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?” (Luke 18:7)

Just like the persistent widow, it’s very okay to bring our debtors before God. If someone owes you money, you can pray with faith, knowing that their heart will be touched to remember the agreement and do the needful.

Prayer for Someone to Pay Back My Money

Let’s pray!

1. Oh Heavens, help me with a friendly reminder for this person

Heavenly Father,

Right now, I have a humble heart, and before you to pray for restoration. The widow in Luke 18:1-8 sought justice and got it. Therefore, I pray that you guide and assist me in receiving the money that is owed to me.

You teach us in your Word to “love our neighbors as ourselves” (Mark 12:31) and to “do unto others as we would have them do unto us” (Matthew 7:12). I pray that you would remind this person of their commitment to repay the debt and give them a willing heart and filled pocket to do so. Jesus taught us to be persistent in prayer, and I will continue to bring this petition before you. Please, give me wisdom in how I approach my debtor about this matter. I do not want our relationship to be damaged but rather strengthened.

May the Holy Spirit guide me as I’ll be sending a friendly reminder. My prayer is that there should be a swift and amicable resolution. Oh Lord, I give you praise and thanks in advance for your answer.


2. Prayer for strength to avoid confronting my debtor

Dear Lord Jesus,

I am here  today because of the difficult situation I have getting back my money. In Matthew 5:38-42, You taught us to “turn the other cheek” and to “overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). Now, I pray for your grace to abound in me, that I may not resort to confrontation or anger in seeking repayment from my debtor.

I ask that you give me a calm spirit as I approach this person about this situation. May your Holy Spirit help me to speak politely. Help me to speak without any passive-aggressive comments or a confrontational tone. If the situation becomes heated or confrontational, please guide me to de-escalate the situation or walk away. You are my Rock and my Refuge, and I put my trust in you alone.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

3. Prayer to easily highlight my own financial needs

Oh Loving God,

Here is what the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians:

I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened, but that as a matter of fairness your abundance at the present time should supply their need, so that their abundance may supply your need, that there may be fairness. (2 Corinthians 8:13-14)

On this note, I pray for you to give me the courage to explain my financial situation to the person owing me money. I want to be respectful in my tone. I also want to be honest and transparent, so I ask you guide me. Help me to highlight my own money problems and commitments for this person to understand and repay the debt.

I want to be able to explain my situation in a way that is free from guilt or manipulation. Help my heart to be of kindness and a desire for mutual understanding. I pray that he/she would be moved to repay this debt quickly, not out of obligation, but out of a desire to do what is right.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

4. Asking God to help me write with wisdom for my money back

Dear Lord Jesus,

I will be writing to request repayment from a debtor who has refused to pay my money back after the deadline. I remember you taught us to be prudent in our dealings with others, and I ask that you give me the words to write that’ll be clear to this person, and at the same time respectful.

I pray that you would help me to write fairly and honestly, without manipulation or coercion. Help my writing to be guided by your Holy Spirit, that I may be able to communicate the details of the debt and the agreed-upon repayment terms for the debtor to understand.

As I have come before you, Father, may there be amicable resolution. In all, I give you praise and thanks. Amen.

5. Prayer for flexibility when asking a chronic debtor to pay back what they owe

Our Father in Heaven,

I find it very difficult not to ask for my money back because I am in need of it. This is why I pray that you guide me when approaching the person about repaying the debt they owe me. Jesus taught us to be merciful and forgiving in Matthew 5:7, 18:21-22. This is why I am praying for grace in our interactions.

Keep me reminded that this person may be facing financial difficulties, and that a reasonable approach is necessary.

May I be willing to listen and work with them to find a solution that is mutually beneficial. The apostle Paul encouraged the Corinthians to “come to terms as a brother,” so I am open to come to terms.

I pray for wisdom in offering installment payments or a repayment schedule. Help this person to be able to honor their commitment. May I also receive what is owed to me. May our agreement be guided by your principles of fairness, mercy, and love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

6. Prayer to avoid letting too much time pass

Dear Lord Jesus,

A lot of time has passed already, ever since I’ve been trying to get my funds back from my friend. He/she borrowed and promised to repay but hasn’t. I do not want to look severe in my letter, which is why I pray for a balanced approach that is both firm and friendly. Helps me to be direct in communication, without being accusatory. May I be able to remind my friend of their commitment and our agreement. At the same time, I want to deliver my message as respectful and considerate as possible. Besides, You taught us to “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15).

Right now, it’s your guidance I need in setting a timeline. I also want to be following up on our agreement, that my debtor may be reminded of their responsibility. May they have their pocket blessed so that I can receive the amount they owe me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

7. Heavenly guide for me to create a favorable repayment plan for my debtor

Dear Heavenly Father,

In Luke 14:28, it is written, “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” This is why I need Heavenly guidance that I may draw a plan that is fair, reasonable, realistic and achievable.

Help me to consider this person’s financial situation and health. May I create a plan that takes into account their ability to repay. May I be able to specify the repayment term, loan amount, interest rate, and other details correctly. I just want to have everything in order so that we might both have a soft landing and continue with our friendship.

I know You have heard, Lord. I pray for your blessing on our agreement, that it may be a testament to your principles of fairness and love. May our interaction be led by your Holy Spirit, and may my debtor easily repay the debt in honor of our agreement.


Our Prayer

Dear God, as this brethren seeks their money back, please fill the pocket of the debtor to afford every amount and pay back fully. Help our brethren to not be confrontation or accusatory while asking for their money back. Amen and Amen!

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