Love is an unwavering commitment to another person, which should be rooted in God’s love. With prayer, God can intervene and make someone love you deeply, so much that they’re not willing to leave you. In the Song of Solomon, the scripture tells us of a maiden, a Shulammite woman, who prayed to God for her beloved, saying, “May my beloved be like a gazelle, swift and graceful, and may his love be like a fragrant perfume” (Song of Solomon 2:14). God answered her prayer, and her beloved’s love for her grew stronger and more passionate. The Bible says, “He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love” (Song of Solomon 2:4). The power of prayer can spark deep love and affection between two people.
We will pray for God to ignite a deep love in the heart of someone you hold special. God will soften their heart, fill them with love for you, and guide this relationship according to His will.
Prayer to Make Someone Love You Deeply
First, visualize this person. Visualize the happy moments you have shared together because we will draw that energy through prayer for God to make that person’s love for you grow stronger.
Dear God, Deepen Our Intimacy
Heavenly Father,
Please, deepen the intimacy and closeness between me and the person I love. Encourage me to love and gradually deepen our intimacy through shared vulnerability and time spent together. Lord, help us to engage in interactions that involve a gradual deepening of vulnerability in sharing, combined with letting the person know I like them.
As Your Word says in 1 John 4:18:
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
Help us to cultivate a love that is fearless and perfect. May we be able to drive out any insecurities that may affect our deep connection.
Prayer to Encourage Attraction with My Body Language
Our Father
I ask for Your guidance in using my body language to encourage mutual attraction between me and my partner. I understand that part of love is a mutual attraction or desire for each other. Help me to use things sensitive touch to cultivate feelings of closeness. Song of Solomon 4:9 says, “You have captivated my heart, my sister, my bride; you have captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.” Guide me in using my body language to encourage affection. Help me to captivate the heart of the person I love.
A Prayer to Engage in New Experiences That Will Strengthen My Bond with This Person
Dear God,
I need your help to find new experiences that will strengthen my bond with [name of the person]. Make it possible for us to have comfortable dates at home with takeout and a movie to tighten our bond. Make it possible for us to go on adventures together that will make this person love me deeply. Even if it means doing things that are kind of on the edge, Dear God, make it an exciting experience that will help us bond more closely. I want those experiences that will show the other person that I am interesting, and that will also exalt your name.
Didn’t Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 say that “two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up”? Help me and my partner support each other through new experiences. Please, tighten our bond and help us grow together if it is Your will, oh Lord.
Help Me, Oh God, to Remain My Own Person That This Partner Will Love
Dear Lord,
Even though I am deeply in love, I want to remain my own interesting person. I need to be my own person for the sake of a long term or if I am trying to rekindle love with my partner. I don’t want this person to lose the attraction they have for me, or me for them simply because there is no more physical attraction or because the novelty is lost.
This is why I want you to Help me to stay committed to my own interests. Guide me to maintain a sense of unknown or curiosity with my partner. It is written in Philippians 1:9-10:
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.
Guide us, oh God, to grow together, and keep this relationship filled with love.
May I Understand Their Needs at All Times
Oh Lord,
My sincere heart is asking for the wisdom to understand the needs of this person. We all desire to feel seen and understood by our partners, so I pray to be able to see and understand them, and may they also sense that I understand them. Whether it’s understanding what they enjoy in the bedroom or how their attachment style manifests in our relationship, help me to know this person as much as I can. Guide me to show up for them in a way that honors their needs, and brings Glory to You.
Help me to get curious about when and how my love interest feels best in the relationship and to create space for that. As Philippians 2:4 says, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.” May I always be responsive to their needs. In Jesus’ name.
Teach Me, Oh Lord, to Be Able to Show Small Acts of Kindness
Heavenly Father,
I need you to help me show small acts of kindness to [name of the person]. Everyone appreciates small acts of kindness once in a while. Therefore, Help me to remember that one simple thing I can do to remind someone I love and care about them is to periodically do little things that reflect this love and care.
It could be bringing them a coffee while they’re at work, topping off the gas in their car, or doing a chore they don’t like doing. Whatever it is, make these little acts of kindness that I will show remind them why they chose to be with me. The reward should be true love. Even Proverbs 19:17 says, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” Let my small acts of kindness be an ongoing reminder of my care for my partner.
May Heavens Discourage Me from Forcing a Relationship with Someone Against God’s Will
Dear Heavenly Father,
1 Corinthians 13:4-5 says:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
As I pray to You, Oh Lord, for deep love, give me the wisdom not to force a relationship. Discourage me from forcing a relationship with someone against Your will. I understand that Love should not require any force on my part. So, help me to remember that true love cannot be rushed. At the end of the day, many aspects of falling in love with someone cannot be faked. Therefore, if I find myself trying to get someone to fall in love with me, remind me to ask myself why. If the love is not genuine, and will not last, remove this person from my life. If this person seems like they are not falling in love with me, open my eyes to see this early, and withdraw according to Your will. A forceful love isn’t a recipe for deep love. All in all, May Your will be done in my love life.
A Powerful Prayer for Patience
Our Father,
Help me to understand that true love takes time, and I should be patient as we fall in love. Teach me to appreciate the beauty of old-fashioned courting and taking things slow.
Help me to allow the longing between us to develop from a simmer to a boil. Whether it’s about how much time we spend together, or how quickly we become emotionally intimate, remind me that there’s no need to rush if the love has a genuine chance of becoming DEEP.
You “[have] made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Help me to rely on Your time because You have made everything, including LOVE, beautiful in its time.
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